Saturday 29 October 2011

Wonderful train journeys

Went travelling on the good old public transport today... If you are a male and u sit next to a girl on the train.Please leave enough space for air to pass between you... if the girl moves to allow that space.. it is NOT an invitation to come closer :@:@ seriously!! You might as well have been sitting on my lap!

Sunday 9 October 2011

Let Downs

Hmm.. all about let downs and disappointments.

Recently a few friends have let me down on our linkage. It really annoyed me.

Why is it that when you are repeatedly disappointed it affects your friendship. Surely your friendship should be better than that?

For one of my particular friends cancelled on me multiple times, but more than the cancelling it was the lack of contact that pissed me off. Why is it that you cant text me? or call just to say sorry. Simple things, simple etiquette.

I know I am going to sound like an old woman, but is simple etiquette forgotten in this day and age?  apologising, informing, pleases and thank yous.... am i just lucky that i was brought up in a way to consider other peoples feelings? or is it that other people choose to be ignorant?

Sunday 2 October 2011

Gatecrashing Weddings

Yesterday was a fun night, my friends somehow encouraged me to attend a wedding which i wasn't invited to.

I went and had a fabulous time, i did wonder why the bride didn't ask me who i was when i went up to her and said congratulations.. (hey! you have to be brave if you don't want to be kicked out)

It got me wondering... what would i do if someone gatecrashed my wedding?... probably bring back memories i suppose.

A wedding is so special so sacred... the couple yesterday were in love, so much love that it brought tears to my eyes.

Then i thought what is love?.. perhaps a topic for another blog.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Thank you... you know who you are

Finally i have sorted my blog out, how exciting.

Thank you to my very good friend who has sorted the cool decor out for me. 

Welcome to my blog, and im sorry to those people who have to read it!! :)